Saturday, October 23, 2010

Database Administration Exercises

Dictionary Views to help you work

Using your text and any other sources you wish, make a list of the data dictionary views you feel would be the most helpful to a programmer who is writing applications that perform DML actions on rows from tables in the database. Give a brief explanation for your choice of each view.
Place and save your answers in a Word document named week3_exercise.doc.

Where are my Log Files and Groups?

You have inherited an existing database from a previous Administrator. There is little to no documentation provided for this database and, as you review the database setup, you find you need answers to the following questions:

  • What are the redo log group numbers, and how many members does each group have?
  • What directory or directories holds the redo log group members?
Write SQL commands or queries to discover all these answers. Place and save your answers in the Word document named week3_exercise.doc that you have started for this week's exercises.

Working with initialization parameters
Use your text and any online documentation you need, determine which of the initialization parameters (many are discussed in chapter 3) are static and which are dynamic. Also determine which can be changed using ALTER SESSION, and which can be changed using ALTER SYSTEM. Make a spread sheet type table with four columns for your lists (one for each category). Some parameters may appear on more than one list and that is acceptable. Use the parameters listed in the book to begin with, and then add some. You should try to have a listing of at least 20 different parameters. Place and save your answers in the Word document named week3_exercise.doc that you have started for this week's exercises.

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